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【学术漫谈 】变化经济形势下的“小农”涵义与农村合作社

作者:   来源:  发布日期: 2018-04-28 浏览次数:




联系人: 凌波舞,1085528948@qq.com


Date: May 3, 2018, 16:40-18:10 (Thursday)

Venue: Auditorium 2216 at College of Humanities and Social Development, No. 2 Building at the North Campus of NWAFU, Yangling, Shaanxi, 712100

Language: English

Contact: Ling Bowu, 1085528948@qq.com




斯特凡·默尔(Stephan Merl,德国比勒费尔德大学东欧历史系教授。主要研究领域包括农业政策与农业发展史、政治制度史比较研究、东欧的消费与消费经济、前苏联计划经济体制、农业合作社、东欧的苏维埃化与去斯大林化等。曾获得俄罗斯联邦雅罗斯拉夫尔国立大学和蒙古国立教育大学的荣誉博士学位。1988年至1991年,他在德国吉森大学担任“国际农业政策”教授,并在此期间进行了关于东欧农业转型开端的研究。1991年他获得比勒费尔德大学东欧历史系教授席位,并多年担任历史、神学与哲学学院院长,任教至今。他曾兼任俄罗斯联邦总统国民经济与国家行政学院的德国“工商管理硕士”项目的副主席、比勒费尔德大学与蒙古国立师范大学及俄罗斯多所大学合作教育项目协调人。他先后出版了数本关于前苏联农业发展的专著和文章,包括《农业市场与新经济政策》(1981)和《斯大林时期的农民》(1999)等。


Short-bio of the speaker:

Stephan Merl is professor of East European History at Bielefeld University, Germany. His main research fields cover the history of agricultural policy and agricultural development, comparative history of political institutions, consumption and consumption policy in Eastern Europe, Soviet Command Economy, agricultural cooperatives, Sovietization and De-Stalinization in Eastern Europe. He holds honorary doctorates from the Yaroslavl Pedagogical State University of Russian Federation and Mongolian State University of Education of Mongolia. Between 1988 and 1991 he held a replacement professorship in “International Agricultural Policy” at Justus–Liebig– University Gießen and studied the starting of the agricultural transformation process in Eastern Europe. In 1991, he got the professorship of East European History at Bielefeld University, and was the dean of Faculty of History, Theology, and Philosophy for years. Between 1994 and 2010 he was vice chair of the German “Master of Business Administration” at the Academy of the National Economy with the President of the Russian Federation. He was the coordinator for the cooperation of our Bielefeld University with Yaroslavl Pedagogical University, Mongolian State University of Education and some other Russian universities. He published several books and articles on Soviet agriculture, including: Agricultural market and the New Economic Policy (1981); Peasants under Stalin (1999), etc.


College of Humanities and Social Development

